ABC Memorial Hall Charging Policy – updated October 2024
Basic price: £30 per hour
Child’s party – (up to 3 hours allowed): £60
Full day, inc. evening: £300
Wedding (3 days): £1,000
Jubilee room hourly rate: £15
Regular events and classes, by negotiation.
Local and community 10% discount off all prices

The hall rooms are available for hire in whole hour sessions (min Hire 2 hours).
Hire, unless agreed otherwise beforehand is available between 8:00 am and midnight
Music & Bar to cease by 11:30pm Friday and Saturday, 11pm Sunday and midweek, unless agreed beforehand.
We offer a cleaning service @£12 per hour (For large events, we would suggest two people for two hours each.)
Main Hall has priority over Kitchen use when in use.
We cannot allow dry ice/smoke at disco functions. It will set off the alarms!